A general course on Quantum Mechanics at the level of Sakurai's or Griffiths courses. Compulsory to obtain the degree in Physics.
Professors: Armando Pérez Cañellas and Arcadi Santamaria Luna
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Quantum Mechanics (Degree in Physics)A general course on Quantum Mechanics at the level of Sakurai's or Griffiths courses. Compulsory to obtain the degree in Physics. Professors: Armando Pérez Cañellas and Arcadi Santamaria Luna More information:
The Standard Model (TAE2005)This is a crash course to the Standard Model of the Electroweak Interactions given at the "IV Taller de Altas Energías", TAE2005, Benasque, September 2005. Professor: Arcadi Santamaria Luna More information:
Quantum Field Theory I (Master in Advanced Physics)This is an introduction to Quantum Field Theory for students following the Master in Advanced Physics. Professor: Arcadi Santamaria Luna More information: